Architects & winemakers

A groundbreaking collaboration between architects and winemakers

Architecture en Champagne represents the fusion of architectural creativity with the Champagne vineyards.

Winemakers, aspiring to enhance wine tourism and even reinterpret viticultural heritage, provide a plot of land and recycled materials to create a contemporary vineyard lodge. Each microarchitecture thus established is a modern reinterpretation of traditional vineyard lodges - humble structures that were created in the 16th century and were further developped in the 19th century by winemakers for shelter, sustenance, and rest. Architects and construction professionals share their expertise, guiding participants through both the conceptualization and life-sized construction of these lodges.


Adèle Roqueta

Adèle Roqueta

As an architect, artist and performer, I have founded my own architecture firm. Additionally, I co-founded SARL ILYT with Antoine Robinet, a company specializing in the design and creation of furniture in Etoges (France). Our work was present at thje Vign'Art Festival in 2022. I actively engage in research sessions with the Laboratory of Performing Arts. This diverse professional journey, ranging from being an actess, demands a keen sense of listening and sharing, offering a wealth of emotional experiences.

Arthur Poiret

Arthur Poiret

As an architect and rural carpenter, I co-founded "tout terrain", an architecture company focused on social and solidarity economy in rural areas. I continue to contribute to field through my teaching experiences at the ENSA Nancy as an associate professor. Common spaces, resource frugality, civic dialogue, urban transformations and reuse are recurring themes in both my professional practice and teaching journey -  from my architecture studies to a DSA (certificate) in urban projects, involvement with Bellastock, the Obras agency and the establishment of the Georges workshop.

Camille Lemeunier

Camille Lemeunier

Deeply committed to the concept of architect-builder, the architecture of hands-on craftsmanship, and the connection with artisans and materials, I am in the process of establishing my own company as a heritage architect. Engaged in collectives like Raumlabor and Bellastock, focused on 1:1 scale and reuse, teaching workshops as Architecture en Champagne and Rempart and incorporating hand-drawn illustrations into exhibition projects - all of this contribute to shaping my dual role as an artist and project manager.

Rémi Buscot

Rémi Buscot

Passionate about timber construction, ecology, workshops and collaborative practices, I wear multiple architectural hats: from artistic residencies to participatory construction sites and the creation of microarchitecture. Whether at the international architecture workshop EASA, with Superuse Studios in Rotterdam, at the Atelier d'Architecture Autogérée in Paris, or as a co-founder of the Atelier NA collective, and in territorial residencies with C. Morin, my focu is on fostering more humanity and connection with the environment in architecture.

Cécile Demilly

Cécile Demilly

As a teacher and practitioner, I have been sharing my enthusiasm within the Studiolada collective since 2015 and with undergraduate students at ENSA Nancy. As a co-founder of the CUADRADA collective, I am dedicated to raising awareness about architecture among the general public. My practice is characterized by the use of bio-sourced materials, short circuits and the promotion of local craftsmanship. These principles align with the philosophy of Studiolada, which I also spread through the coordination of exhibitions and other communications in my agency work.


The future owners of the lodges - 2024

This year, the four selected plots bring together a municipality, a family-run Champagne house, a Champagne house and a viticultural education insititution: Chigny-les-Roses, Champagne L'Hoste, Champagne Henriot, and Avize Viti Campus. Three terroirs are represented: Montagne de Reims, Côte des Blancs and Vitryat.

The 5 new lodges are: 
- La Futaie, in Nogent-l'Abbesse,
- La Roseraie, in Chigny-les-Roses,
- Horizon Hérité, in Avize,
- Coup de Foudre, in Avenay-Val-d'Or,
- Le Pressoir, in Bassuet.

The lodges of the 2024 edition

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